Inflorescences six feet tall? Flower clusters the size of soccer balls? ? Its true: the progeny from this cross between the tough outdoor-growing Laelia superbiens and the delicate intermdiate-growing Laelia lyonsii possess these amazing characteristics! Individually the flowers are also quite interesting at four inches across, gently undulating, and of typically light purple-pink color marked by burgundy tessellation and fine speckles.
Please Note: the size and height
and color of these light-loving plants can vary depending on growing conditions and the maturity of the plant.
Established blooming-size divisions from our collection of mother plants of this cross. Our plants came from De Rosa Orchids in Natick, MA. In 1996 De Rosa and the grex received an Award of Quality from the American Orchid Society by De Rosa displaying twelve magnificent plants in bloom. The cross was made and registered by Walter Hunnewell of Wellesley, MA. Previously we considered this plant to be safely temperature tolerant, but after the the cold wet winters of 2023 and 2024, we recommend keeping it out of winter rains and if plant shows cold stress, then moving it into the garage or even inside the house.
Intermediate to Temperatu. October-November-December blooming.
Prices start at: $100.00
Plus shipping and handling.